New herp plz Help me
OK, I have a rough green snake and a green iguana that I both bought on an impulse, which I know now never to do. But I do love both my animals very much. I'm about to get another herp a snake or a lizard, I'm not sure thats why I made this post I'm almost ready to buy a ball python or a black rat snake but I'm not sure if their the snake for me. So let me tell you a little bit about myself and my life style and then hopefully you can decide what kinda of herp I should get. I ask that you reply a snake and a lizars/amphib choice please. Well, I don't have alot of time to spend on the repts, I always keep them clean and stuff though I have enough time just not alot. I love to hold them and watch them becuase I dont usually get home until late, so I need something thats does't need to be handled alot but likes it and wont bite my hand off if I try. I dont care the colors or anything like that but I don't wan't any snake that will get bigger then 8ft or a lizard that will get bigger then 2ft. I also want it to be pretty easy to care for but thats not that important. I hope this help if you need any other info just tell me.