This is what i do for all new arrivals:
I place a water bowl, rock, one branch, hide box like it is realy a box I get my temps ready way B4 the snake is home.
Then I tape news paper all the way around the tank so it can not se any of the outside of the cage the only interaction it gets is a fresh water bowl every 2nd day and food every friday it stays like that for like one month. Then after it eats a few meals I change the inside.
It is time to decorate but place the snake in a nice dark place for the time being do what you want to the cage but leave the paper up place you snake in the new cage 2 weeks later start removing the paper gradualy like one side a day starting with the side the is less traveld by I normaly start with the back of the tank.
Then if there is still snaping behaviore...chuck the gloves and take it like a real herper a ball python is the last of your trobles when you get bitten tell your self well it could have ben a retic and will start thanking you lucky stars trust me it realy works what ever pain was there is gone and you end up telling your snake ''Is that all you got? I know rats that do more damage then you''
Man I miss my ball python days.
0.1 Jungle Carpet Pythons,