Sad News
Well today was quite the shock.. I came downstairs to do my usual feeding/misting of my chameleon, when I found him laying lifeless at the bottom of his cage, sunken eyes and all... One of the saddest experiences I've had, as he's the first pet that I've actually had die on me... Yesterday I took him out when I was feeding him, and he was healthy and happy as normal... So I guess there was something else wrong with him that I didn't know about. It's a shame he had to go so early, as he was only about 5 weeks old... Well I just thought I'd let you guys know... and don't worry, I'll still find a way to fill that giant cage of mine...
Everytime that I look at myself I can't believe how awesome I am.
...The first rule of journalism is: Don't talk about journalism... or was that Fight Club?