Albino shedding question
I had a nice little surprise when I got up this morning, Shayou had shed!
My question is, how the heck do you see a shed coming in an albino???!!! I've been handling her regularly and didn't see any signs. I thought that her tail wasn't as bright as usual but it was very subtle. I wasn't sure if I was noticing something for real or just imagining it! lol!!!
Is it just tougher to see when they are young and small? Or will it always be hard to tell? I knew it would be coming sooner or later by timing but otherwise I didn't know! I wish I could have something to let me know!!! Oh well, it's not the end of the world!
Another question while I'm at it, why don't any of my boas use their moist hides? All of their setups have a water dish on both ends cool and warm as well as a moist hide box. I've never seen any of them use it? And they are being used as the paper towels are all still as I placed them. I'm not concerned as none of them seem to have shedding problems, I just find it peculiar. All my other snakes use their moist hides and just the boas don't!
Keeper of 5 snakes, leopard geckos, 1 green iguana, 20+ tarantulas, 2 dogs & a bunch of rats!