arrrghhh new boa just regurgitated
well i just found my new 4 month old bci just regurgitated her meal. she seemed to be doing fine since i fed her which was 2 days ago, but i went to look in her cage to check on her tonight and i seen her mouth was wide open, and all of a sudden i seen the little bulge from her belly moving up. the only thing i can think of is that last night it ended up snowing here and got fairly chilly so she might have cooled off a bit too much.
i keep her temps always the same which is about 85 on the hot spot and 78 or so on the cool side. this is the same way i kept my other boa for 2 years now and never a problem.
could it have been the cold snap??
could it have been a bad mouse??
i am going to start feeding rats now though
so what should i do??
i have never had this prob before
[10:12pm]«@ [Matt]» he's all up in there like swimwear.