1.0 Leopard Gecko
1.0 Crested Gecko
0.1 Giant Day Gecko
1.0 Okeetee Cornsnake
1.1 Red-Eyed Treefrog
2.0 Green Treefrog
1.0 Peacock Treefrog
0.1 Flying Treefrog
1.0 Grey Treefrog
1.0 Mali uromastyx
0.2 Dog (Purebread Chihuahua and Collie-Golden NON-retreiver Mix)
0.1 Cat (Norweigen Forest Cat)
0.0.1 Fish
1.1 Parent
0.1 Sibling
That's all I own. All of the herps are strictly mine but the rest are my sister's and parents' pets. I am hoping to buy a hypo-tangerine carrottail in 3 months to breed with my designer male leo.