First time snake owner of a baby male Whitewater Rosy Boa.
Got him from a reputable breeder at a Repticon on Dec. 4th, 2021.
I had to keep him at work at first because he was a surprise present. He did very well and was eating frozen thawed pinkies fine.
I was told to feed him every 5-7 days.
I brought him home the morning of the 25th, and fed him that evening because it had been 5 days since he last ate. He regurgitated within an hour after eating and the pinkie did not look digested at all.
I thought it was due to being moved that day and stressed, so I waited 3 days and tried feeding again on the 28th. He ate that one fine and kept it down.
I fed again today, and again within an hour after eating he spit it back up. He has not been moved, or handled at all today.
He is in a 10 gallon tank with the hot side at 90 degrees and the cooler side at 79 degrees. I keep a very small golf ball sized ceramic dish of water in his tank.
What should I do?

Should I pull the water dish out? How long do I need to wait before I try to feed him again so his stomach is back right again? Should I try probiotics next time I feed? Half pinkies?