Emergency food for Milk snake and Hognose
Hi guys. In a bit of a fix here. I live in southern Vietnam and we are currently in a very strict lockdown that has gone on for 2 months. I have run out of food for my 18 month old Sinaloan Milk and a western Hognose. They are now going hungry as my usual supplier can not ship me the frozen hoppers that they normally eat. Bear in mind I can only order supermarket food at present. I tried quail eggs but they wouldn't take them. Tried slithers of chicken also scented with tuna for the hog. There are geckos outside and the traps mentioned talk about using fruit as bait which is no good for the carnivorous geckos we have here. I have one adult mouse left that is too big that is for my king who is well fed. Can I cut this up? or is it too messy? Any ideas guys? Cheers.