Caring for an Antaresia python
I've been looking into getting a pygmy or stimsons python, but I have a few disabilities. I can successfully care for my fish, cats and dogs with some help from the people I live with, but none of them like snakes so I'd have to be a lot more independent.
My disabilities won't affect my ability to safely handle a snake, but they do affect my energy levels.
I just have a few questions to see if I'd be able to care for a snake by myself, any help would be greatly appreciated.
How long minimum should I spend caring for a single snake per week?
What tasks are most physically demanding? (for example I keep fish and it's physically hard for me to lift large amounts of water while doing water changes)
What tasks are mentally demanding? (using the fish as another example, doing calculations for how much dechlorinator to use can be hard)
What tasks take the longest time?
And this question is unrelated to my disabilities, but does anyone have any recommendations for a natural looking substrate that I could use if I did end up getting one of these guys? I'm finding a lot of contradictory information.