Hi y'all. This is my first time posting. I need help. A few months ago I inherited a lavendar albino corn snake from a friend who passed away. She is approximately 18 years old and super chill. I feed her a frozen jumbo mouse once a week and her vivarium has a couple hides, a sufficient cool and warm side, some fake plants to climb, a branch, and aspen bedding.
Anyway about 3 weeks ago she took to her hide and didn't want to come out. I left her alone and she stayed in there about 2 weeks. Finally she came out one night and I could hear her moving around. In the morning I saw she had shed. I thought this was weird because she recently shed maybe 5 weeks prior? Anyway I attempted to feed her and she refused.
Maybe like a week later she started laying eggs.

She layed 9 over the course of 2 days. When she was finally done I offered her a large adult mouse and she refused again. This was last week. This week she's super active, trying to climb for the top of her viv, always moving when I check on her. But she still refuses to eat. She looks pretty normal, isn't objecting to me handling her or seeming cranky. Her eyes don't look cloudy she just seems really hyper. Should I be concerned? Should I take her to the vet? Sorry if these questions are dumb I'm a first time snake owner and I love her and want her to be healthy. Thanks for any help.