Baby boa hasnt eaten!!!
So I purchased a baby boa on Saturday June 29th, and the breeder informed me that she had eaten on the Tuesday before the show. After giving her a few days to settle down with minimal handling I tried feeding her (frozen pinkie rats), she bit it, then let go and ignored it. I tried again next Tuesday, same result. I just tried again yesterday and she struck it, held it, took it from the tongs, then dropped it and wouldn't touch it. I haven't handled her at all, her hot spot temp is 88 degrees F with a undertank heater regulated by a thermostat, ambient temps are about 84-75 degrees. She has plenty of hides and lots of cover, and a large water bowl. Humidity stays around 55%. I'm going to try a live fuzzy mouse as soon as I can get a hold of one (hopefully tomorrow). If she refuses that as well is it time to take her to the vet??? She hasn't eaten in 4 weeks and she is a tiny baby!! Shes about 17-18 inches long, so very young...….