Hello! I do not own a snake yet, as my parents are not too fond of the idea, but I would love to have a snake as my new son in the near future when I am more mature and have more time to dedicate to his or her care. I currently own only one reptile, my beautiful baby boy leopard gecko, but I am in love with ball pythons (sO original, I know). While researching ball python care, a common debate presents itself: can reptile enclosures be too large? I would really like to hear y’alls opinions on the matter because both sides have very valid arguments. I have raised mammals my whole life, such as guinea pigs, rabbits, and dogs, and with them the mindset is almost always the bigger the better in terms of living space. With a ball python however, is this the case? I would ideally like to house it in an enclosure that is the length and width of its body length (4ft python=4ft by 4ft by idk like 2ft) or larger so that it has lots of space to roam and hide and explore. Anything smaller than this just seems too inhumane for a beautiful creature that would have the whole world to roam in the wild. Of course, I would fill this space with many hides, leaves, branches, and enrichment so that my son would feel secure. And I wouldn’t put a baby ball in this large of a living space, especially since I will adopt a rescue that is most likely to be an adult anyway. As long as the enclosure is not barren, there is a proper temperature gradient, lots of hiding space, and an appropriate amount of open space, would a large enclosure work well for a ball python?
I apologize for the length of this post but educated responses would be very much appreciated, especially people that have had experience with snake enclosures that are larger than the general size requirements. Thank you!
(I am brand new to this forum btw so if I did something wrong I apologize!😂