Hi all
In desperate need of some advice and help. i have a young female butter pastel when i bought her (beginning of February) was told she hatched in December, shes on small thawed mice and has shed once since i got her.
Everything's been going great with her until all of a sudden bang shes fasting, when i got her she weighed 126g i weighed her yesterday and still shes sitting at 126g.
Nothing has changed temperature and humidity is still the same which is bang on the mark, i haven't changed feed suppliers or anything. I have tried every trick in the book to try to entice her to feed but shes just not having any of it, Should i be concerned? is there anything you can maybe suggest? below is a list of methods i have tried.
Dry thawing
Wet thawing
wet thawing then using a hairdryer to dry mouse off a little
leaving the mouse in her vivarium for a 24 hour period with the vivarium darkened
have put the mouse in the vivarium and lightly misted the vivarium
also with the mouse brained.
Any help would be great thanks