Dumerils Boa Not Eating
Hi there,
I have an approximately 1 and a half year old Dumerils boa named Harvey. I’ve had him for about 6 months and he is the sweetest thing. He exhibits no signs that he is unhappy or has any sort of illness, but I just can’t get him to eat. I’ve tried feeding him both frozen thawed and live but no luck. I have triple checked all of his temps and everything seems fine there. This has been such an ongoing struggle. He has eaten twice since I’ve owned him. That seems like such a long time to me, but I do know that it is not uncommon for snakes to not feed to spans of time and still remain healthy. I plan to grab a scale so I can really monitor his weight. I’m starting to get really worried about him! I have been looking into the option of force feeding. Is this something I should consider? Any help is appreciated!!