I am Null. My interest in snakes began when i was just a little guy. I begged and pleaded with my mom to get me a snake, i would watch documentaries on them, read little picture books about snakes and husbandry. I never got to have one, my parents always said no. Until i was older, about 18 was when i got my first corn snake. Then i got a ball python, and had a lot of fun with the little guys. They were my best friends for a while, until i had to get rid of them as i had no time for them and i missed them a lot.
Recently, i've been getting back into snakes and rekindling my passion for them. I've just picked up a baby corn last week, and am relearning everything on the go.
His name is Peter and he has just had his first live feeding with me. He did amazing. Attacked the prey right away and took him down no problem. I thought the mouse was going to be a bit big for him, but, nope! Gobbled him down without hesitation. Beautifully done.
Anyway, i look forward to sharing my love of snakes with you all.