multiple prey too stressful?
my female BP is not even 2 yet & is around 1100 grams. i weighed her a couple weeks ago and she was a little over 1000g just hard to have her stay in the tub while weighing. i currently feed her 3 adult mice every 10-12 days depending on availability. the mice are roughly 25-30grams, i know if you follow the “10-15%” rule of thumb that’s not enough, however she’s thriving in her environment and doesn’t show signs of lack of food. i’m starting to think maybe it’s time for 4 mice.. but personally i feel like that might be stressful. unless she enjoys killing, which she does! she’ll wait at the window until i throw them in, than after the 3rd she’ll go rest. before you try to convince me on switching to F/T that won’t happen. she went 4 months without eating while i tried and she was losing weight so the first live mouse i threw in she bounced on immedialty. also i tried rats but she doesn’t seem interested, that was when she was smaller so maybe since she’s bigger she might tackle a rat. she’s good weight and length at 2 years old almost 4FT & like i said 1100G about could be 1200 haven’t weighted in awhile. SO, what’s your guys opinion on multiple prey? i can tell you she doesn’t mind 3 i think it’s more fun for her cuz she’s a killing machine & loves stalking them little mice down. buuuut she’s getting to big for just 3 IMO. THANKS!