Crystalized salt on scales of red tail
Hello everyone,
I'm new to the forum and would love to ask any thoughts on an issue that occurred last night. My red tail had some streaks of what seems like crystalized salt on the upper 1/3 of her body. I say that because it looked just like the type of salty sweat lines we humans get, and when I did a quick taste test, it tasted just like salt!
As snakes have no sweat glands, I'm not sure where this came from. She has always had filtered water (multipure water filters) and I've never seen this before. The only other change there has been is an increase in temperature because of a slight respiratory infection that started last week.
Nothing else strange, and everything else seems OK - but it would be nice to understand where the dried salt came from. If anyone has experienced this or could shed any light on it, I'd greatly appreciate it!
Thanks so much :-) ~~~:>