Re: coccidiosis
I would not treat for coccidia "just in case". The most common drugs used to treat it are not harmless. In fact, my vet doesn't treat low instances of it. Low instances of coccidia species occur naturally in reptiles. The most important thing you can do is to immediately remove any feces. That protects your snake from a huge variety of parasites. The next thing you need to do is have a stool sample analyzed. There is very likely someone in your country who knows parasites. Look into your university or people who provide animal care services for farm animals. They won't be able to id the exact species but they will be able to give you an egg count and tell you what general family of parasites any belong to. furthermore, without stool samples you will have no idea if the treatment was effective or not. It's not something that goes away very easily and repeated treatments, extremely strict cage cleaning, and repeated fecal exams are needed to determine if the treatments worked or not. What country are you in, anyway? I would encourage you to practice very good cage hygiene, make sure to use proper hand washing, and if possible obtain disposable gloves and learn how to take them on and off (very important for them to be effective)