Hello everyone, I am new to this forum.

I joined so that I can ask questions about my corn snake and to meet people who have a love for the species as I do. I hope that I will have fun here and I hope that I can get the help I need to raise my snake, Toni Stark (Toni for short), in the best way possible.
A little about my snake: Toni is a male albino corn snake, I have had him since May 22nd 2017 and he is about 32 inches long. He currently eats 1 to 2 hoppers a week and lives in a 20 gallon tank with a heat mat, Aspen bedding, a log and a paper towel roll (he likes it).
I'll be posting more in the questions section of this forum because, since he is my first snake, and even though I've had him for almost a year, I don't know everything and I could use all the help I can get.
Thank you in advanced!