Re: Late Holiday Purchase...
Originally Posted by Scubadiver59
I'll do the spraying this morning after the lights come up. I've been meaning to get a couple of the wash bottles with the long tubes, like Al (Viperkeeper) uses for his snakes. Looks like I'll have to order one or two today.
Do the spraying. As I said, Gonyosoma could probably die of thirst resting besides a water bowl. I have never tried these wash bottles, but if your snake is in I-bite-your-face defensive mode then it might consider anything coming to close as an additional danger. Use a handsprayer, it lets you keep your distance to the snake and provides the water droplets it prefers anyway.
I suppose that the snake is WC, I am not really familiar with prices in the US, but I think I remember some WC snakes offered for something like 250$ to 300$.
So depending on what happens with your deal wait, for the shed, let the snake settle in (for Gonyosoma this is even more important than for your average new snake), spray water on a daily basis (probably twice a day) and try to feed it.
If it is WC, this might pose a problem. Many WC Gonyosomas develop a certain taste in the wild, some specialize in bats, others in birds, so it can be difficult to get them to eat. The only WC Gonyosoma I ever got refused to eat any rodent at all and only ate two day old chicken after a lot of teasing. Needless to say that this was only a short experience, it died on a massive parasite load.
So if your snake eats, get the feces to a laboratory or a vet ASAP and have them checked for worms. If you go to a vet because of the skin problems anyway, let him check the snake for lungworms (nematodes) and tongue worms (Pentastomida).
Originally Posted by Scubadiver59
Anyway, the snake was rather docile at first, climbing up my arm and shoulder, but after I put it in the tub, it went to the corner by the water and then puffed up its neck and started that "lazy", slow, blue tongue flick that to me said, "hands off bud!" Needless to say, I heeded the warning.
Welcome to the world of Gonyosoma
1,0 Lampropeltis triangulum campbelli, 1,2 Gonyosoma oxycephalum, 1,2 Philodryas baroni, 1,2 Spilotes pullatus, 2,1 Spilotes sulphureus, 0,1 Gonyosoma boulengeri, 1,1 Zamenis longissimus, 0,1 Malpolon sp., 1,1 Malpolon monspessulanus