Colombianito - New Member
I'm looking forward to being a contributing member when possible. Mostly assuming I will be receiving way more knowledge then giving.
I am a lifelong snake lover. Started looking for snakes as a young boy. Liked to catch , admire and release.
I have kept mostly constrictors as a kid but got interested in venomous a little later on.
My interest is in all snakes but I favor rattlesnakes out of all of them.
Incredible animals. I now dedicate my time in trying to do my part in protecting them. By offering Free Snake Removal in my area I get a lot of calls. Otherwise people would kill them over the expense of removing them with a professional service. ( I've noticed most professionals aren't really that at all. And they get mad that I'm taking business from them. But for me it's about the snakes not the money )
Thanks for letting me be part of this community.
I spend time between my place in Colombia and here in the USA .