Ratsnake Escaped
Hello there, I am new here as a snake owner and a forum member so forgive me for any mistakes.
I have owned my scaleless rat snake for a month now. A family member got him from an independent reptile shop around 2 years ago but had no more time for the poor guy, so he was given to me as I had been looking into getting a snake. He was being kept in a 40g breeder with a screen lid and multiple tank clips to keep it secure. But of course, the one day when I forget a clip or two off the lid, he makes his escape-and i'm loosing hope fast.
He's been missing for nearly a week now, and i'm loosing hope quickly. I have tried everything-put flour in any places he may have been, ripped my entire room to shreds, and much more. And let me tell you right now, putting out a mouse is hopeless, because the thing is...I already have other rodents in the room. Yeah yeah I know, a dumb idea. I have three guinea pigs and a giant rabbit in the same room. So even if I put a mouse out, the mouse's smell will just mix with the other rodents's smells, so it won't even be effective. Also another dumb thing on my part, I have the tank on a low table that is right next to a radiator-the clips I left off were the clips closest to the radiator.That means he could've easily slipped out from under the lid, take a turn, and gone into the radiator.
I'm absolutely heartbroken. While he was quite snippy and did bite me once, he was my first snake so he means a lot to me. I have wanted a snake since sixth grade, and of course when I finally get one he escapes due to my own irresponsibility. I have done all I could by wanted some second opinions. Feel free to be honest, I can use anything now, as this forum is my last hope.
Thank you in advance.