Newbie - Russian Rat
Hey everyone!
I am a new member here and to snakes all together. I have a 13 year old daughter who has been begging me for a snake for over a year now. I joined the Ball Python forum to get as much info as possible, thinking that was the quintessential newbie snake of choice. However, after a couple of months soaking in the intel, I am 90% sure a ball is not the snake for us. I don't want a pretty pet rock, I'd rather have a snake who seemed to like us as much as we did them and was full of personality. (While no disservice to balls, I think they are beautiful and personality can vary from snake to snake...)
I have instead been turned on to the Russian Rat Snake. I am keenly interested in them as both a display snake and one that actually seems to enjoy handling. And since we are new to snakes, we are also drawn to their reputation for a docile nature. I know all snakes can be defensive and bite, but we'd love to limit our exposure to this as much as possible.
There isn't a ton of information about them, no local breeders, and I can only find bits & pieces online and Youtube. But I know there are several members here with tons of experience with Russian rats. I hope to pick their brains over the next couple of months!