Here's Bakunawa, the neonate Candoia Ground Boa I spoke about earlier
Two weeks ago (July 28th), he ate a "fuzzy mouse" (according to the previous owner that is; based on the image he sent me, it looks more like a hopper to me). Probably explains why he's not so keen on eating till now.
Since last week and last night, he's refused the thawed pinkies I've offered (who ended up fed to my 06 Royal Python). I'll try again on the 15th. Thoughts?
PS: If it also "helps", His previous meals from his previous owner have always been live.
PSS: Based on images online, he looks more like a Halmahera Ground Boa. Is he? I'm just glad I got to own a Candoia again.
FYI Bakunawa is the name of a dragon/serpent in Filipino mythology, the bringer of the Eclipse (if I read the stories right).