New Corn Island Nics on the way
I am picking up this pair of Corn Island Nicaraguan boas at the weekend at doncaster and im really excited
there nearly two years old and are colouring well already
i was just going to get the male to breed with my hypo Nic but after talking to a few people i decided to get the pair and keep them pure
you dont really see many for sale in the uk so im quite excited
0.1 Common het Kahl BCI,,0.1 red pastel hypo het albino bci,0.1 kahl sunglow bci, 1.1 boa longicauda het "Zero",1.0 motley het kahl bci,0.1hypo img,1.0 hypo harlequin het vpi t+, 1.2 hypo 100%het albino and 100% het berry blood, 1.0 guyana bcc,1.0 hypo jungle het blood&het albino,1.0 albino motley0.1 sunglow motley,1.1 mandarinbelly leopard