Boas tail tip stuck shed
Hi all I apologise firstly if there has already been a subject similar I did have a quick search but nothing turned up but last week I noticed a stuck shed on the tip of my baby boas tail so I managed to soak it and get it off I know I got it off because I checked to see the size of the bit I got off and it looked like there was nothing left on the tail but I noticed today that there is still some there she is a rescue and I've only had her a week or 2 now so I haven't seen her shed yet I'm not sure of the age but she is about 4 foot ish I can't keep her still enough to measure her and she's still settling in so I don't want to stress and she's about 375grams (not sure if that's a good weight but the guy I rescued her from said she was on medium mice which to me seemed too small so last week I gave her a large mouse and this week I gave her a weaned rat which she ate quite happily) anyway what I was mainly wondering is that is it possible that she had a stuck shed on previous sheds and the bit I managed to remove was just from her last shed because it looks really tight and I've had snakes with stuck sheds on the tip of the tail before when I kept a brazilian rainbow boa and I don't remember that being as tight as that? And should I just keep trying to soak it and pulling them off or will that stress her too much? Thank you all for your time and advice