Hi I'm Steve and I'm new here just wanted to say hi and maybe pick your brains for some of your boa knowledge. I have recently got a baby boa from someone that didn't realise they grew so big they weren't too sure of her age but think she's about 18 to 24 months she's about 215g she eats great I noticed some dried shed on her tail and managed to remove that but I noticed the other day her Viv wasn't getting warm enough and only made 72f and saw that her lamp was only a 50w so I got her a 100w and she's now 88f in warm side and 76f on the cool side her humidity is steady at 66% so I'm sure that is ok but what I'm worried about is that she has just started to hang in the top corner wrapped around the wire to her lamp she's got a cage over the lamp so I'm not worried about her getting burnt or anything I'm just worried as she didn't do that before I changed her Viv around and the lamp and was wondering if that is normal for baby boas?
Thank you for you're time and I hope I am making sense