Need help with.. Everything?
Hi there,
I've been researching reptiles for months and months, but i still can't figure out the equipment? I have an enclosure a bit bigger than 4x2x4, so I'm thinking of using CHE, as I feel a heat mat would be a bit impractical for a tank of this height. How do I use these? Can I use the lamps used for heating bulbs? What wattage should I use?
How do the thermostats work? I'm confused by thermostats in general. Why is the wattage always so high? Do I need such a high wattage?
The cage has a screen top. Will I need to figure out a way to keep in more humidity?
Also I'm planning to get a carpet python, if this is important.
I'm gonna need a few very patient people to help me figure all of this out lol