Re: Need Information please
Yes that's the aim of that article; to inform people on how to setup UV in a way that is safe for the animals. I think it's very important such information is spread to people as your general petstore is perfectly content to sell you a lamp which has a UVI of 15 at the distance you intent to use it, simply because it's more expensive. That will kill your animal in short order.
The knowledge on UV in a "XL" type petstore that has everything you wish to get close to my home is almost infuriating. I had a talk with the guy managing the reptile department about the dangers the setups pose to the animals (f.e. 10.0 UV light hanging right in the vision of the basking animals (beardies)) and even got him to understand why it's bad only to realize that he simply said "yes" to things to get rid of me as the next time I came (and consecutive times) ... nothing changed. Treating a UV light as a normal light is very dangerous as we humans cannot see those wavelengths and basically without proper knowledge one shouldn't even touch those lights. Perhaps I should ask him to lay 12 hours straight under solarium lighting to get him to understand.