Moving questions - are snakes a problem?
Hi all,
I'm pretty new at having snakes, so I don't know some stuff that's probably pretty basic. Anyway, we are planning to move in June, and I'm starting to look at houses to rent. We've always had to contend with whether owners allow cats, but now I'm wondering if having snakes is an issue. Some people get really weird about snakes. Has anyone ever run into the owner of a rental who refused to rent to them because they have a snake?
Also, what's the best way to move them? I have a little corn snake and a young ball python. When I bought each of them, the breeder gave me fairly small containers with a bit of aspen in them to transport them. But it's possible we'll drive to our new city, and that will be over a couple of days. Is there a more comfortable way to move them?
Thanks for any advice.
Garnet - female (?) motley Okeetee cornsnake
Trogdor - male standard ball python