what am i doing wrong?
alright so i need some advice and answers. i've had my female bumblebee ball python (hatched 10-04-16 ) for almost 2 months now. so far thinks been going alright just not that good. she's still afraid of me and will get into striking position when i go inside the tank or get infront to mist it down. she's eating good for me has every week and even already switched over to f/t for me, i started out live. well she tries to escape at night a lot and fails because i have it locked, but she still tries and always flops over.
her housing is dialed in for the most part. shes in a 20G long on cypress, has 2 hides one on each side, good size water dish, a log hide in the middle along the glass, a UTH on a thermostat set at 94, a CHE also on a thermostat, a 24 hour 75watt night bulb to help warm up the cold side due to it being in my room in the basement at around 60-65°, i made a plexiglass top to hold humidity which is around 45-65 i mist 2/3 times daily and also have 2 bowls of spahgnmoss on each side to help, i have the back and 2 sides wrapped in a scenery to help her feel secure and wrapped in insulation to help with the temps, the hot hide 92-94 and cool hide 85. she has shed already but in pieces but nothing stuck. i just added the plexiglass so i hope that helps with her shed.
is she trying to escape because she's still afraid or is something wrong? she's still defensive when i get her out and strikes often but not within the past week or so. one night i let her nip me than i took her out after to kinda show her that's not going to do anything. only took her out for 5 mins and she did start to explore. handling sessions started after 2 feds and only about 5/10 mins 2/3 times a week. i just want her to mellow out and start trusting me but i guess it's a matter of time and patience. does anything sound wrong/ needs fixed? are females more defensive? whats a way to help build trust?