UV Lighting?
I can't seem to find Exo Terra Repti Glo 05.0 Jungle lamp 15 Watt 30 inch so I had to go with the Exo Terra Repti Glo 10.0 Desert Terrarium Lamp, 25-Watt, 30-Inch and that got me thinking; Can you give to much UV to a Jungle Carpet Python?
George- 1.0 Purple Albino Reticulated Python... Cornella- 0.1 Pink Phase Corn Snake?
Moe- 1.0 Jungle Carpet Python... Fred- 1.0 Taiwanese Beauty Snake...
Crystal- 0.1 Blue Eyed Leucistic Ball Python... A cross between a Mojave to Lesser...
Leon- 1.0 Lemon Ball, aka Russo Het White Diamond Ball Python... Crystal's boyfriend...