Baby Rosy Boa wont eat/maybe drink
I know there are a lot of posts about this topic, and I've read some. On the 7th I got a my first snake, a baby Mexican Rosy Boa, and after a week, I tried feeding him. He wouldn't eat pinkies, and I've done Live, F/T, and splitbrain. He never is interested, and has even slithered directly on top of the mouse. I've resorted to only feeding him in his enclosure, and no longer handling. I've tried feeding at all times of day, but he mostly burrows. Recently I noticed his skin being pale, so I assumed he was going into shed, but his eyes never changed. I have never actually seen him drink, but have always given him water 4x a week. I'm supplying him with constant water, and I've tried getting him to drink by letting him know there is water there. All the husbandry is correct, the temps range from 80-85 to ~74-70. He has 2 hides, but he is always burrowed. All my friends with snakes don't know what to do, and recommend I go to a reptile vet. Any help would be greatly appreciated. The current date is 1/29th, I've had him for 22 days now, but I don't know how long he can go without food/water.