Rescued Kingsnake advice
I live in SoCal and my friend found a mid-sized kingsnake basking in the road. It had what looked like a bite or puncture wound, and it didn't move for 10 minutes until I got there. I first thought it was dead because it was so sluggish, but it did liven up when I picked it up. I cleaned and dressed the wound (saline, betadine and neosporin) and have kept it warm in a terrarium for 3 days. The wound appears to be healing well. My question is, should I release it now even though it has awoken from its brumation or keep it until March when I read they would normally emerge? Can it go back into brumation at this point? I plan to give it a mouse tomorrow regardless of whether I turn it loose or keep it for a while. Any advice welcome, first time snake keeper!