Strange behavior for my female kingsnake
Hello all
Flow is my first snake and most of her issues I have been able to figure out up intill now. All i can say is that she is not eating or shedding. But it almost appears she's searching for something and it's not mice. She does circles in her cage all day and night when she normally just hangs out in the heat.
My 5 year old female Desert Kingsnake has developed some unusual behavior. However the only thing that really concerns me is her lack of appetite, she hasn't eaten since Christmas. The temperature does fluctuate considering its the cold season but no lower than 65.
She has odd behavior inside and outside her cage. She will lay in a straight line with her but in the air like she's going to poop but won't. She hasn't eaten anything I cant see how there would be anything to poop.
I've had her since she was a hatchling no thicker than a pencil. Now she's 7 1/2 ft long and bigger than most that I've seen so far. She's had absent feeding behavior when she was much smaller but nothing like this in the passed couple of years.
Any ideas?