Re: Woma python is corkscrewing
No pest control is used inside the house for any reason. So I don't know what that is you're asking, but we definitely aren't using it. I have fur babies and I have really horrible asthma so we try and keep chemicals to a minimum. Only the regular house cleaning stuff. For cleaning out her tanks (and all their tanks), we use primarily water, sometimes we'll put a little hand soap on it if it's bad, and then rinse off so there's no soap residue.
Another thought we had was whether there was some house cleaner in the bathtub when we gave her a bath. We gave her 2 wash downs before she was fed because she pooped all over me and a little on herself while I was handling her. It was a lot of poop, so she got a bath. We usually sanitize the bath with disinfectant between snakes to avoid cross contamination and I don't recall if we had done that between her 2 baths. I'm hoping we weren't that careless, but it was the day before Xmas with 3 kids screaming throughout the house. Either way, I'm hoping the vet will tell us more.
I have a general mistrust of vets. I lost another snake about a month ago where I'm sure the vet possibly steered us wrong and wanted a huge amount of money to maybe figure out what was wrong with her. Turns out it was congenital. But in all my years of cat rescue I've had vets misdiagnose the animals then prey on the emotional to extort money.