feeding egg to my snakes
Ok maybe people will think I'm crazy and destroy the idea but bullsnakes are known to steal eggs. I've got cockatiels laying eggs who can't care for them and I don't want more cockatiels from that pair. They are up to 10 eggs but 2 went missing. Can bullsnake at least eat them? I also have a rosy boa. Otherwise they are trash. I did debate though if they managed to hatch chicks those would make good food but the parents are so horrible it probably won't happen. I just am so used to variety is how you keep the diet healthy in my other animals and we feed 1 thing to snakes when some would prey on all sorts of critters. Pits are known chicken coop pests for chick and egg eating. If an adult can eat a chicken egg mine moving up to hoppers should be fine eating a cockatiel egg. It's theory though because I brought it up on the fb group and no one had tried it. I only got one response of someone wondering the same thing.