Re: Cuddles the Woma Python
Not sure if this is exactly how it works but this has been my observation. Over time the snake will associate your smell with what ever experience is has with you. As long as you are never a threat she should eventually calm down. I say should because they all have their own personality, some mellow out rather quickly, some take a while and some never truly trust anything and simply tolerate interactions and can never be 100% trusted. Combine that with the individual feeding responses (which can be misinterpreted as agression) and you end up with a very wide range of possibilities when it comes to attitude.
With all that said, for us to interprete or put meaning to your snakes behavior is nothing but a shot in the dark. My suggestion is just be patient and calm with her. Let her adjust at her pace and be ok with it. As long as she is eating get and shedding normally she is healthy and that is about the most you should expect. Anything beyond that is a bonus.
1.2 bp's, 1.2 womas, 1.1 Blackhead Pythons, 1.0 south African Boerboel, 0.1 Chocolate Lab, 1.2 leopard geckos, 1 Brazilian red sided bird eater, 1 cockatiel, 2 beta fish