Re: Storeria dekayi/Dekay's Brown Snake Availability
I have a rough green snake that I got as a CB baby. He is so neat! His name is Lima Bean. He eats all sorts of bugs, mostly crickets. These guys do well in a natural style terrarium. I have him in a bioactive, planted 55 gallon with a screen top. I have lighting for the plants, a heat lamp, and UVB lamp since I have a stowaway anole living in there as well and she needs the UVB (I had inadvertently reused some moss that had been in my anole cage, and a baby hatched out!). He doesn't particularly enjoy handling, although he is pretty docile. I don't really handle him and just have him as a display snake. I mist the tank daily. He honestly needs less maintenance than my other snakes.
Good luck with whatever you decide!
3 corn snakes, apricot pueblan milk snake, spotted python, cal king, florida king, albino san diego gopher, kenyan sand boa