One of my albino hognose hasn't taken a meal since I purchased him. Seller claims he's had over 10 meals in his care but I'm not overly confident in that. When they arrived end of July they were 8 and 7 grams. The 8 gram one has taken meals perfectly and when I last weigh him two meals ago he was 12 grams. I spoke with a few knowledgeable folks and they didn't think a hognose that had taken over 10 meals would be so tiny.
On top of the lack of eating (which isn't abnormal for hognose really) is an odd lump near the back half of the snake. I've been monitoring it and it doesn't seem to be changing in size. He's lost a gram of weight in the month I've had him but nothing alarming. It's been suggested it may be yolk remnants but they didn't think it was likely considering how long I've had him. Person I bought the hog from was unaware of it's hatch date.
Tried scenting with squid / offering a piece of squid but no luck so Stephan and I went frog hunting. Caught a few and will try scenting with them. Also grabbed a can of Tuna because apparently that's what they were started on.
Hopefully the little dude eats soon. Since he's got some issues going on we're holding off on probing. No need for extra stress and there's no point figuring out if he's a dude or dudette if he's not doing well.