Skin Infection?
Hey Guys.
When I took my Striped-Spotted Python out of his cage today, it seemed that there was red patches or dots or blotches under his ventral scales. Now, I highly doubt that mites could be the case as the area is generally clean (spot cleaned as often as necessary, complete cage clean every month or so) and he has never been infested with mites previously. However, I did try and force him into a warm water bath (to which he actually hated and started to hiss at me because I forced him in there). I also believe that it could possibly be some substrate stuck under his scales; I use a red-coloured tanbark-like mix (reptile approved etc) which gets extremely dusty, so it may have somehow gotten under the scale flaps. I will be taking him to a vet as there are also damaged and discoloured scales along his back and I want to ensure that this isn't anything too serious. Any advice or tips would be helpful. I may try and post pictures if anyone is interested.
Thanks !