I have had George for about 4 months now; His first 3 months and 3 weeks he could have cared less about soaking in his water dish... But then again he got stuck in shed twice and I had to soak and help him. On the 15th he shed and it came off in one piece, So I figured I finely got his humidity right! RIGHT!
5 days ago, when I woke up he was in the jar of water wrapped around the humidifier and I thought I might have a dead snake... I couldn't get the top off fast enough... I grabbed the wire and pulled the humidifier and George up all at once; George looked at me as if to say WHAT! What do you want! Scared the hell out of me... The next day! He did it again... So I pull him out again and he is always stone cold...
I thought I'd put a stop to this and put a top on the jar, which I did; but now for the last 3 days, I have woke up to him soaking all night in his water dish... I have done a through job of checking for mites with a magnifying glass and he looks really health... So if he just shed and there is no bugs then why would he want to soak all night??? HELP!