Resuced Hog island boa and a few questions
Yesterday I drove 4 hours to pick up the hog. I wasn't going to take him but the old owner was slacking and knew it and wanted to rehome. He said if he didn't find a home for the snake he was going to let it go outside. Gave me everything he had for the snake which wasn't much but he gave me the 55 gallon tank, decor which was meant to act as hides but are too small, and uth which is meant for a 10 gallon with nothing to control temps.
Hes 3 years old and eats adult mice. The old owner was feeding him 2 mice every 2 weeks.
Cool end of tank is around 78 while the warm side is around 85 with a hot spot of 90. Humdity is hovering around 60-65%. I have the water dish under the ceramic heat emitter to keep humidity up. I have him on eco earth coconut fiber.
I plan on getting better hides, another water dish(i like to have 2 in case I'm not home when they trash one), make a humid hide, a proper sized uth and a thermostat to go with it.
A few questions :P
How often should I feed? One mouse every week or every 2 weeks?
Would vines and good section cups hold up of he tried climbing?
Or what are some other options for climbing space?
And any tips or things I should add?