Live Plants For Snake Enclosures?
Wondering what type of live plants would be good to put in my Gonyosoma and Spilotes enclosures? I need sturdy plants that can support climbing and hanging out in and that are safe for the snakes. I was thinking about a small Ficus tree, but I would like some other options.
2 Black Rats,2 Retics,2 Texas Indigo,1 Albino Chinese Beauty,1 Bull,1 Black Milk,1 YT Cribo,1 Albino Garter,5 Corn Snakes,1 Brooksi,1 VBB,1 MBK,1 Bairds Rat,1 Albino Cal King,1 Pied BP,1 Dumerils Boa,2 Rattlesnakes