I just rescued yet another critter, this time it was a redtail boa. Now I'm in the process of building him a suitable enclosure as he's roughly 4' long, been kept in a 55g aquarium and prior to me getting him his heat lamp had been out for 3 days and they fed him 1 adult mouse a week. He's very skinny and shows signs of being in too small of an enclosure (creases in his scales). I'm not going very elaborate, however I do want to build him a nice crib. Below is a general picture of the design. The enclosure itself is 2'x2'x6'. My questions are:
1) I see a lot of rack style or plain setups for boas, do they have basking spots or just UTH or heat tape?
2) What would be the best and easily cleanable way to seal the inside of the enclosure that is not harmful to the boa? I plan to use a combination of cypress mulch and fir bark (cypress first and fir bark on top) as substrate.