Re: Black Headed Pythons?
Originally Posted by XburntbythesunX
I really loved my CK but she was absolutely awful when it came to handling
I don't know anything about carpet pythons. What species should I take a look at?
If you want a larger carpet look into Coastals or Bredli. Those will grow to 7-9 ft or larger. Jungles and IJ's are a bit smaller at 5-6 ft on average. The husbandry is pretty simple and they make great display snakes.
0.1 Albino Bull Snake (She-RA)~ 1.0 Snow Bull Snake (Apollo)~ 1.0 Coastal Carpet Python (Chomper)~ 1.0 JCP (Shredder)~ 1.0 Bredl Python (S'ven)~ 0.1 JJ x JCP (Trinity)~ 0.1 Albino Carpet Python (Akasha)~ 1.0 Olive Python (Nigel)~1.0 Scrub Python (Klauss)~ 1.0 BCI (Monty)~ 0.1 BCO (Xena)