New Gopher Snake!
Hello Ssnakess! This is my first post and I am happy to be here.
Just yesterday I bought my first snake, a hatchling San Diego gopher snake.
She has only hissed at me twice, but I think this is because she was shipped. She was probably very stressed. Anyhow, I promptly put her in a terrarium (4' x 1.5' x 1.5') which has lots of soil, a tunnel I made out of toilet paper rolls, a water dish, sticks, pile of leaves, and several rocks. One end of the terrarium has a heat lamp which will heat the bottom to 75-80 degrees. She spent all night inside a tunnel she dug into a dirt mound. And she is literally digging another one as I talk, haha! She is friendly when handled. I couldn't be happier!
I bought some small lizards as well for food. 12 of them. They are in her terrarium and I don't believe she has eaten one yet. I also have tried to feed her frozen mice (I let them thaw) but she hasn't eaten one yet. I found a poop today which I cleaned out, so I believe she was fed at some time before she was shipped. How long should I wait until I should be concerned about her eating habits? And what are your recommendations regarding frozen mice? I simply do not want to leave them in there for too long, you know? I am considering buying live mice instead of frozen pinkies.
Any advice, comments, or concerns you have are appreciated. I want be sure I am doing a good job for her!