Originally Posted by REM955
The final picture does look quite good. I think if you wanted to go beyond that it is either shelling out big bucks for a carpenter or get a cage from these guys...:
Reptile Cages : iguana cage, bearded dragon cage, reptile enclosure, custom wood reptile cages, snake cage, lizard cage
Lovely design, McCarthy. I wrote out designs with my Dad, who at least knows crown molding, and I can't get past not having an explicit frame in place, worrier and non-engineer that I am (disclosure). I notice in your design you have just the wood walls propping each other up.
I don't suppose you have an idea of how much weight they can support in terms of other cages on top of each other?
I am not sure how much weight they can hold but they are strong, If you noticed the top and bottom sit on top of the sides not butted up to the sides. Doing it this way gives this type of cage more strength. The other way the top could collapse and break away from the screws. Now with my custom cages I use dado and rabbit joints to put them together and this makes them very strong.
As you can see the bottom of the cage is not the top of the cage above it.
Take care