Re: is my rainbow boa in shed?
I'm reiterating myself on the basics of reptile keeping right now- and will probably test a digital against my anolog so I'm not just taking other people's word for it. Until then, I'm not going to argue for either or.
That is still a problem though. Do you have a screen lid or a solid lid? What substrate do you use? A bit of spagnum moss does wonders if the hygrometer is reading accurately.
I don't remember exactly who recommended it- it was several years ago and it'd require me to do some Google searching for the guy. Some awful reviews on digital hygrometers deterred me and when I pried a little more into analogs, inquiring about them, I'd gotten mixed results, but the more convincing side was for analogs.
My animals haven't had humidity problems since they were babies and I was still trying to figure out the trick to humidity. My dragons spend more time outdoors than they do indoors, only coming in at night, during bad weather, or in the winter), so this could probably be contributed to their health. I'll be sure to change over to a digital one then. Or at least run it with my analog and see how far off I'd been.
Last edited by Tiny Boidae; 12-16-15 at 08:04 PM..