heat panels and a 4x2x4 cage? how to heat?
Okay Ive settled on building a 4x2x4 cage for my carpet python.
Actually I found a cheap entertainment center that is real wood that size and its going to be converted to his cage.
I want to use RHPs will those heat the air as well as a basking area. He will have shelves up high on both sides of the cage. But I cant put them in till I know how far to position them from a RHP.
Should I use two Smaller RHPS or one larger one, like a 80 watt? I notice ReptileBasics only carry up to 80 watts now so thats the largest I can get. I already have a spare thermostat(on/off).
Also should I add a heat pad at the bottom?
The room stays between 72 and 75.